
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Julie and Julia

So, I watch this movie last night. My sister actually said that it was a great movie and that it inspired her to start cooking again.I really wanted to see what all the fuss was about. The movie is basically about Julie who is bored with her life and wants to do something new so, she starts a blog about cooking. Her mission:  to make all of Julia Child's recipes in one year. It also about Julia Child's struggle to be a Chef in Paris, and getting her first Cookbook Published. And blah, blah, blah...

It's really is a great story. I just really like the Blog story. It really told the story about being a new blogger. It talk about the feeling of just putting yourself out there day after day not knowing if anyone is reading what you are writing but still doing it anyway! So True!! She even wrote a blog that read: Is there anyone out there listening???  I loved the part about her getting so excited about having a comment and then finding out that it was only her mother. ( I totally get her.) Then, seeing how her blog started to grow, and grow and soon she was receiving 20 comment and they were all from people that she didn't know.

I'll admit sometime I feel like her. Is there anyone reading this? (other than family) I guess, I get Blog Envy if that is a word? I read alot of blog and the people behind them always have so much to say, so much to write about? Their lives seem so interesting. I'm just this small time artist, trying to paint in her spare time ....

With all that being said she did give me hope. Even when plans didn't go as planned she never gave up. She continued to put herself out there, and continued to do what she love to do! And things changed! Finally she  ......I wont give away all of the movie. But I am going to continue to Blog about this so called Art thing..and wait and wonder about the possibilities? Who knows what will happen? :)


Unknown said...

Love love love this movie!!

Unknown said...

I will have to check this movie out, sounds very familiar.:) Keep on blogging sister. I love your comedian piece for your sister, super cute!

Trena said...

Thanks so much Jenny,that really means alot to me !